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Ovarian cysts

             ✳ Ovarian Cysts

✳Types of Functional Cysts

2.🔴 Dermoid cyst:
 this is a benign tumor sometimes referred to as mature cystic teratoma.
 It is an abnormal cyst that usually affects younger women and may grow to 6 inches in diameter.
 A dermoid cyst can contain other types of body tissues such as fat and occasionally bone, hair and cartilage.
 These cysts can cause the ovary to twist (ovarian torsion), compromising blood supply.
 endometriosis is the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus.
 Endometriomas are formed when endometrial tissue is present or forms on the ovaries. They are often filled with dark, reddish-brown blood and may range in size from 0.75-8 inches.
 Due to the colour of the old blood frequently found within the cysts  they are referred to as "chocolate cysts".
 It may affect women during their reproductive years and may cause chronic pain both associated with and remote from menstruation.
Polycystic ovaries:
a polycystic ovary is an enlarged ovary with small cysts underlying its surface.
 The ovary is usually twice the size of the normal ovary.
 This condition can be found in healthy women with endocrine disorders.
Luteoma of pregnancy: ovarian cysts during pregnancy are usually functional.
 Those that  are usually detected in the first trimester spontaneously resolve by the early part of the second trimester.
 This luteoma occurs when the corpus luteum that develops to sustain a normal early pregnancy persists as a corpus luteum cyst later in the pregnancy.

✳Causes of Ovarian Cysts

1.🔵 Irregular menstrual cycles
2.🔵 Obesity
3.🔵 Early menstruation
4.🔵 Infertility
5.🔵 Treatment with gonadotropins
6.🔵 Hypothyroidism
7.🔵 Tamoxefin therapy for breast cancer
Now let us move to the causes of ovarian cysts

 ovarian torsion involves the twisting or rotation of the ovarian vesicular pedicle.
 This causes obstruction to venous and arterial blood flow and can eventually lead to an infarction.
 It is more common in dermoid cysts.
3.🔵 Cystic granulosa cell tumors may secrete estrogen, leading to postmenopausal bleeding in the elderly.
4.🔵 The presence of cysts in pregnancies may cause obstructed labor

1- Pelvic ultrasound
2- CT or MRI
3- Serum CA-125 assay
4- Hormonal assay- LH, FSH, estradiol and testosterone levels are measured
5- Pregnancy testing is done to rule out ectopic pregnancy

 Ovarian cyst may not usually require treatment, since most of them resolve on their own. Often, a pelvic ultrasound will be repeated to see if the cyst has resolved.
However, surgery can be performed to remove the cyst.

 Taking oral contraceptives prevents ovulation and therefore reduces the chance of developing ovarian cysts
Signs and symptoms
Usually, these cysts do not produce symptoms and are found during a routine physical exam or they may be incidentally found on an ultrasound performed for some other purposes.
 However, symptoms can be present, especially with large or ruptured cysts.
Some of them are:
A.🔴 Pelvic pain following exercise or vigorous activities
B.🔴 Nausea and/or vomiting
C.🔴 Vaginal pain or spotty bleeding
D.🔴 Problems with bowel movement
E.🔴 Abdominal distention
F.🔴 Lower abdominal pain

 the symptoms alone should not be used for diagnosis.
 Having one or two of the symptoms and signs does not guarantee the presence of ovarian cysts


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